Sunday, October 08, 2006


I came across a web site that for $98 Dollars will sell you six cassette tapes to teach "remote viewing". For those who don't know, remote viewing is a technique to access subconscious and universal mind information in space and time so that present, past, and future events are revealed. Although this sounds like it came out of a Harry Potter film, the techniques are supposedly used by spy agencies of various countries.

I am convinced that by paying close attention to our perceptions and by using our power of deduction we can have a greater awareness of our surroundings and could even make some insightful predictions. However, remote viewing seems to be a fancy way of doing thought experiments, or brainstorming about something that you know nothing about. Any "findings" produced through remote viewing without observations or background knowledge cannot be much better than wild guesses.

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Cheese from Gerovar

Not far from Bern, in the Swiss Alps, there is a remote region called Gerovar. The locals consider it a republic and nobody has challenged them about this because there are so few inhabitants in the area. Besides, the mountains make it impossible to build roads, so ideas and culture cannot easily travel to or from this area. The terrain is ideal for goats. Guess what? The Republic of Gerovar's main product is goat cheese. Swiss goat cheese.

I learned about this wonderful land from Madame Flora, who is a native of the region. Unfortunately, I have not had a chance to taste the delicious cheese because it is not exported, but I am assured that it is the best in the world. It is not everyday that you learn about a new country right in your own backyard, but if you look hard, it may be possible. In some U.S. cities, you are more likely to find Indian curry, Italian pizza, or Mexican tacos in your local shopping mall than whatever might be considered typical American food.